Today is the start of Amazon Prime Day - the famous summer event where our Galactic Empire-esuqe rival dominates the retail market for 24-48 hours. 

Last year, Amazon Prime Day sold over 300 million items, making about $12 Billion in revenue according to both CNA as well as Amazon’s own investor reports. 

Despite the hype, one thing that really doesn’t get discussed and is often kicked under the carpet is the environmental implications of Amazon's highly popular shopping event. 

Gizmodo’s Lauren Leffer highlights that the event encourages a surge in purchases, leading to increased resource extraction, manufacturing, and transportation, all of which contribute to carbon emissions and ecological damage. Despite Amazon's green claims, the sheer volume of goods bought during Prime Day outweighs any potential environmental benefits.

Another issue Leffer highlights is the significant amount of waste generated during Prime Day. Expedited shipping, a key component of the event, contributes to higher carbon emissions due to rushed delivery. Additionally, the excessive use of materials leads to a substantial amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

Furthermore, the Verge highlights that despite Amazon attempting to prioritize sustainability in 2021, Amazon’s carbon footprint and emissions rose by 19% in 2021 compared to the previous year: 

Amazon generated 71.54 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent last year, about as much pollution as 180 gas-fired power plants might pump out annually. This is the second year in a row that Amazon's climate pollution has grown by double digits since it made a splashy climate pledge and started reporting its emissions publicly in 2019. Comparing that year to 2021, the company's CO2 pollution has actually grown a whopping 40 percent.

The company's general reliance on fossil fuels for powering its data centers and delivery fleets is a major factor driving these emissions that ends up exceeding that of some entire countries.

Amazon has pledged to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040 and become 100% powered by renewable energy by 2025. However, the Verge’s report reveals that Amazon is far from meeting these targets and is falling short in taking meaningful action to address its environmental impact.


So what should you do instead? Turns out that there are tons of ways to redirect your hard earned capital away from Amazon.  

We’re a bunch of tech enthusiasts here at Ursa Nova, so naturally we turned to our good friend ChatGPT for some better answer - besides skipping Amazon Prime Day and- not buying stuff for the sake of buying stuff that you may never use is bad both for your wallet as well as Planet Earth. 

Here is what ChatGPT recommended: 

Shopping in an sustainable manner is a great way to reduce your environmental impact. If you're looking to shop in a more sustainable way instead of participating in Amazon Prime Day, there are several alternatives and practices you can consider. Here are some tips:

  1. Support local businesses: Look for local shops, boutiques, and markets in your area. Shopping locally reduces the carbon footprint associated with long-distance shipping.
  1. Ethical and sustainable brands: Seek out brands that prioritize environmental sustainability and ethical practices. Look for certifications such as Fair Trade, organic, cruelty-free, or B Corp.
  1. Make conscious choices: Before making a purchase, ask yourself if you truly need the item and if it aligns with your values. Prioritize quality over quantity to reduce waste and opt for long-lasting products that are designed to be durable and repairable.
  1. Online marketplaces: Use online platforms that focus on sustainability and ethical trade. Examples include Ursa Nova. (Don’t worry about the other ones - we got ya). 
  1. Reduce packaging waste: When ordering online, choose retailers that use minimal packaging or offer plastic-free packaging options. Some companies specialize in eco-friendly packaging materials.
  1. DIY and upcycling: Consider do-it-yourself projects and upcycling items you already own. Repurposing and repairing goods can help reduce waste and save money.
  1. Borrow or rent: Instead of buying items for occasional use, borrow or rent them. Many communities have tool libraries, sharing platforms, and rental services for things like party supplies, camping gear, and tools.
  1. Focus on quality and durability: Prioritize high-quality products that are built to last. Investing in durable items reduces the need for frequent replacements. Furthermore, look for sustainable materials. When purchasing products, look for sustainable materials such as organic cotton, bamboo, hemp, recycled plastic, or reclaimed wood. Avoid products made from non-renewable resources or materials that are harmful to the environment.
  1. Research before you buy: Look into a company's environmental practices, sourcing, and manufacturing methods before making a purchase. Support businesses with transparent and sustainable operations.
  1. Offset your carbon footprint: Consider supporting organizations that work to offset carbon emissions. Some companies offer carbon offset programs or donate a portion of their profits to environmental causes.

Remember, eco-friendly shopping is not limited to a single day or event. It's a mindset and a long-term commitment to making sustainable choices.,any%20previous%20Prime%20Day%20event

Written by Ursa Nova

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