Ursa Nova emphasizes high-quality standards from our brand partners to promote a sustainable lifestyle. Here's a breakdown of our criteria for branding and the process we use to assess our brand partners:


Sustainable materials are materials used in products and construction that are sourced and produced in ways that minimize their environmental impact.
Known for its rapid growth and versatility, bamboo is used in furniture, flooring, and textiles. It's a renewable resource that can be harvested without killing the plant.
Recycled Metals
Using recycled metals like aluminum and steel reduces the environmental impact compared to mining and processing new metals
Reclaimed Wood
Sourced from old buildings, bridges, and other structures, reclaimed wood reduces the need for new timber and adds unique character to new constructions or products.
This fast-growing plant requires minimal pesticides and water. Hemp fibers are used in textiles, building materials, and paper.
Organic Cotton
Grown without harmful pesticides or synthetic fertilizers, organic cotton is used in clothing and textiles, reducing environmental toxins.
Harvested from the bark of cork oak trees without harming the tree, cork is renewable and biodegradable. It's used in flooring, insulation, and as a leather alternative.
Recycled Plastic
Using recycled plastics reduces waste and the demand for new plastic production. It's used in a wide range of products from clothing fibers (recycled polyester for example) to construction materials.
A natural, renewable fiber, wool is biodegradable and has excellent insulation properties, making it a choice for clothing and home textiles.
Natural Rubber
Sourced from rubber trees, natural rubber is renewable and biodegradable, used in footwear, tires, and various industrial products.
Made from linseed oil, wood flour, and other natural materials, linoleum is a sustainable alternative to vinyl flooring.
Made entirely from recycled glass, bio-glass is used in countertops, tiles, and decorative elements.
Recycled Paper and Cardboard
Utilized for packaging, insulation, and various paper products, recycling paper conserves resources and reduces waste.
Sheep's Wool Insulation
A natural insulator for buildings, sheep's wool is renewable, biodegradable, and efficient in energy conservation.
Mycelium / Mushrooms
Mushrooms are sustainable because they can be grown using minimal land, water, and energy, often utilizing agricultural waste as a substrate, and they produce a low carbon footprint. Mycelium are used as sustainable alternatives for packaging, insulation, and even leather-like materials.
Plant-based materials contribute less water usage, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce deforestation from large-scale animal agriculture.
In terms of sustainability, being vegan means adopting a lifestyle that significantly reduces environmental impact. By avoiding animal products, veganism contributes to lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduced water and land usage, decreased deforestation, and less pollution. This lifestyle supports biodiversity preservation, and energy efficiency, and reduces overfishing. Additionally, veganism promotes sustainable crop production and ethical consumerism, leading to a more sustainable food system.
Upcycling is the process of transforming waste materials, unwanted products, or surplus food into new, higher-quality items. This practice is sustainable because it reduces the need for new raw materials, minimizes waste, and decreases energy consumption and pollution associated with manufacturing new products. By repurposing food waste and other discarded materials, upcycling helps conserve resources, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and promote a circular economy where resources are reused and repurposed efficiently. This holistic approach extends the lifecycle of materials and contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly system.


Sustainable business practices refer to strategies and actions undertaken by companies to operate in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. These practices are designed to ensure long-term business success while contributing positively to society and minimizing negative impacts on the environment. Sustainable business practices are increasingly recognized as essential for long-term success. They help businesses reduce risks, improve efficiency, build brand reputation, and create value for both the company and society.
Green Energy Use
Switching to renewable energy sources like solar, wind, or hydropower for business operations. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.
Energy and Water Efficiency
Implementing measures to reduce energy and water consumption in business operations, such as using energy-efficient appliances and fixtures, and implementing water-saving processes.
Sustainable Transportation
Encouraging the use of eco-friendly transportation methods, like electric vehicles for company fleets, promoting carpooling, or providing incentives for employees using public transportation or cycling.
Eco-Friendly Office Practices
Using sustainable office supplies, reducing paper use, encouraging digital communication, and implementing office recycling programs.
Investing in Sustainable Technologies
Investing in research and development for new sustainable technologies or processes that can reduce environmental impact.
Eco-Certifications and Standards Compliance
Obtaining certifications like LEED or Energy Star, which indicate adherence to various environmental standards.
Sustainable Investment and Finance
Prioritizing investments in sustainable projects and businesses, and potentially offering financial products or services that support environmental and social initiatives.
Community and Environmental Stewardship
Participating in or supporting environmental conservation efforts and community projects focused on sustainability. Examples include beach clean-ups or working with sustainability philanthropies such as 1% for the Planet, B Corp, or World Wildlife Fund


Sustainable processes are methods of production or activities designed to minimize negative environmental impact, conserve energy and natural resources, and promote ecological balance. These processes aim to meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, often incorporating principles of efficiency, waste reduction, and resource management.
Renewable Energy Production
Utilizing solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power to generate electricity. These processes reduce dependence on fossil fuels and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Water Recycling and Conservation
Implementing systems to recycle and reuse water in industrial processes, agriculture, and buildings. This includes rainwater harvesting and graywater systems for non-potable uses.
Sustainable Agriculture
Practices like crop rotation, upcycling food materials, regenerative ag, organic farming, integrated pest management, and the use of natural fertilizers. These methods reduce chemical use, preserve soil health, and increase biodiversity.
Eco-friendly Manufacturing
Using materials that are renewable or recycled and implementing manufacturing processes that reduce waste and emissions. This can include lean manufacturing principles and closed-loop systems where waste is repurposed.
Green Building and Design
Constructing buildings with sustainable materials, energy-efficient designs, and systems for water conservation and waste reduction. These buildings often follow standards like LEED or BREEAM.
Sustainable Transportation and Logistics
Shifting to electric or hybrid vehicles, optimizing delivery routes to reduce fuel consumption, and using public or non-motorized transport where possible.
Waste Management and Recycling
Processes that emphasize recycling, composting, and reducing landfill waste. This includes the design of products that are easier to recycle or have a longer life cycle.
Sustainable Forestry
Managing forest resources in a way that maintains their biodiversity, productivity, and regeneration capacity. This includes practices like selective logging and replanting.
Sustainable Fisheries
Implementing fishing practices and quotas that prevent overfishing, maintain the ecological balance, and ensure the long-term viability of fish populations.
Energy-efficient Supply Chains
Optimizing supply chains to reduce energy consumption and emissions, such as using more efficient transport modes and planning for minimal environmental impact.
Sustainable Tourism
Developing tourism practices that preserve natural resources and benefit local communities, often involving eco-friendly accommodations and activities that respect local cultures and environments.
Circular Economy Practices
Designing products and processes that facilitate reuse, repair, and recycling, aiming to keep resources in use for as long as possible and reduce waste.


Sustainable packaging refers to the development and use of packaging solutions that have a reduced environmental impact and footprint throughout their lifecycle. Sustainable packaging is a critical component in the broader movement toward environmental sustainability, addressing concerns related to waste management, resource conservation, and climate change.
Eco-friendly Materials
Made from materials that are renewable, recycled, or biodegradable. Examples include recycled paper, bioplastics made from plant-based materials, and glass.
Energy Efficiency in Production
The manufacturing process of the packaging is designed to minimize energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Minimization of Waste
It focuses on using the least amount of materials necessary to achieve the desired purpose, often through design innovations that reduce packaging size and weight.
Recyclability and Compostability
Packaging can be easily recycled or composted, reducing its impact on landfills and promoting a circular economy where materials are reused.
Reduced Carbon Footprint
Sustainable packaging aims to minimize the carbon footprint throughout its lifecycle, from production to disposal.
Non-toxic and Safe
It is free from harmful chemicals and toxins, both in its production and in its use, ensuring safety for consumers and the environment.
Efficient Logistics
Designed to optimize space in transportation, reducing the energy and emissions associated with shipping.
Extended Producer Responsibility
Manufacturers are encouraged or required to take into account the entire lifecycle of the packaging, including end-of-life disposal.